Monday, November 29, 2010

Another One of Yours!

Continuing our evisceration of religious fundamentalists, hypocritical douchebags and the holiest of whack-jobs that we began with Fred Phelps, we will now move on to another equally deplorable human being(a term I use loosely as 'humanity' isn't a characteristic he possesses). His name is Pat Robertson, and much like Phelps, his religious propaganda and homophobia have spread like wildfire and prospered for reasons beyond my comprehension. His main occupation is that of televangelism but I'm almost positive he spends the majority of his free time verbally abusing puppies. Really adorable puppies at that. If you are unfamiliar with Pat Robertson, let me offer you this brief video as a means of introduction to a very disturbing individual.

This guy gives obscenely rich, old, white men a bad name.

Pat has been going strong on the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) for nearly half a century, mainly on the channel's primary show 'The 700 Club,' providing his delusional interpretations of all things holy, political or whatever may have just happened to set him off on say, the ludicrous notion that earthquakes were caused by whatever country's people decided to not profess loyalty to his faith (I'll touch on this again in a second.) Here's a few choice selections of the vast ocean of ridiculous quotes Robertson has let fall from his lips.

"Well, you know, Thomas Jefferson, who was the author of the Declaration of Independence said he wouldn't have any atheists in his cabinet because atheists wouldn't swear an oath to God. That was Jefferson and we have never had any Muslims in the cabinet."

"Many of those people involved in Adolf Hitler were Satanists, many were homosexuals - the two things seem to go together."

"I know one man who was impotent who gave AIDS to his wife and the only thing they did was kiss."

"My personal feeling is that oral sex is against nature."

My personal feeling! Very scientific of you, Pat. There are countless more, but you can find these all over the internet. It's actually incredibly reassuring that so much negative activity surrounds Robertson's name at all times, but he still holds strong onto a massive audience. Generally, these quotes are found between Bible verses or messages of God's love and compassion. The hypocrisy of it is absolutely mind-boggling. If you have fallen prey to superstitious nonsense that will probably eventually suffer the same fate as Greek or Roman mythologies, Pat welcomes you with open arms. If you are a rational person that chooses not to hate someone based on sexual orientation then you shall be consumed by fire for eons(and then some.)

TANGENT! Isn't the entire idea of an eternity in hell completely ridiculous? I mean, I honestly feel that absolutely nothing within a living person's capabilities could warrant such a punishment. Even if you were to murder, in cold blood, every person alive an eternity would still make no sense. A human being's lifespan as of now of around 80-90 years has no right being matched up with forever. It literally has no end. While roasting in Hell, you have no ability to change your situation, no ability or reason to repent, and no way to even communicate with your would've-been savior. The great part is, you don't even have to commit genocide for this to happen. You could just steal a book from Barnes & Noble and then find yourself sitting in a lake of fire. Isn't that just the scariest thing you can imagine! Man, I sure hope that doesn't happen to me for writing this fucking blog! Eternal damnation is as clumsily constructed a method of fear-control that can possibly be manifested by religion. It's idiotic. Now, back to this other idiot.

One thing most people have seen or heard of Pat Robertson mentioning is that of the victims of the earthquake in Haiti having made a "pact with the devil" and bringing God's wrath upon themselves via this curse upon them. Here's a small part of what he said on that broadcast.

“They were under the heel of the French, uh, you know Napoleon the 3rd and whatever, and they got together and swore a pact to the Devil. They said, 'We will serve you if you'll get us free from the French. True story. And so the Devil said, 'Okay, it's a deal.' And, uh, they kicked the French out, you know, with Haitians revolted and got themselves free. But ever since they have been cursed by, by one thing after another, desperately poor."

Now, on this fun subject, it's important not to bring fallacy into the issue by stating he believed they 'deserved' this. The significant detail is that he believes this actually played a role in the earthquake that devastated the lives of well over 3 million people. A legend, that many historical scholars look at with an incredibly skeptical eye, of slaves invoking Satan's assistance to free them from their captors in 1791, somehow had God so furious he finally decided to do something about it 220 years later. If I was religious, it would seem to be in my favor to link the earthquake to tectonics, rather than that of this unpunctual deity that doles out vengeance to those simply related to the obviously poorly educated slaves from centuries prior. I've never been much of a fan of being grouped together with crimes my ancestors may or may not have committed and I'm even less of a fan of being swallowed up by the earth as a penalty for them. Natural disasters occur. They can be horrific and they can unleash more power than all the armies of the world combined, but they are not premeditated. To presume so is to be completely dismissive of the natural sciences and it is one of the most peculiar cases of 'wish-thinking' that I can imagine.

Every year or so, Pat has a new prediction about a terrorist attack or mini-Armageddon that will be unleashed upon us all due to our tolerance of homosexuality, abortion etc. He generally works in reverse by seeing a situation and blaming it upon something he doesn't like or understand, much in the same way Hurricane Katrina's cause was discovered. (You guessed it. Sin.) It isn't difficult to do, but it is pretty low to say such absurdly unjustified statements in the immediate wake of a worldwide or national tragedy.

Religion and Christianity aren't ideas to a man like this. To Pat Robertson, and an unsettlingly large group of people, God is already proven, we already know everything there is need to know, and you're already 100% wrong for thinking otherwise. Is he one of yours? He certainly isn't one of mine.

David D.

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